Tiffin Parents’ Association Meetings

The TPA meets every month through online meetings.

Invitations are emailed out to all Class Reps and any parent can request for an item to be added to the agenda via their Rep. 


Please contact the Chair for any information and/or when you would like to join the TPA.

TPA General Meeting

AGM Meeting Minutes - 5th December 2023
Minutes_Tiffin AGM 5th December 2023_Rev
Adobe Acrobat Document 283.1 KB

All Tiffin Parents are warmly invited to attend the Tiffin Parents’ Association Annual General Meeting.


Meeting date and time:

Monday 21st October 2024 at 7.00pm.

Judge Lecture Theatre (JLT) at Tiffin School.
(Judge lecture theatre, from the car park go into school using the glass door to the right of the dining hall. JLT is straight ahead)


  • Welcome
  • Chair’s report
  • Treasurers Report, spending TPA funds
  • Acceptance of accounts and minutes
  • Friends of Tiffin Music (FoTM)
  • Tiffin Parents Rugby Association (TIPRA)
  • Vacancies, Comms and upcoming events
  • Election of officers
  • AOB